Before going to Kyoto, we made a quick stop by the house. It's looking really good.
We also made a stop by the panya (bakery) for some yummy pastry breakfast. Don't the pastries look amazing? I chose some corn pastry thing, and Greg got a hot dog like thing. We'll try different things tomorrow.
After taking a direct line to Kyoto and a trip that took under an hour (surprising!), we ended up at Kyoto Station. This station has an ascending line of escalators that goes up so high. I forgot it was this station when we came last time, otherwise I would have taken Alice and Louise there. :( It's hard to see the escalators going up in this picture, but they go farther than you can see in this photo.
The first temple we went to see was Sanju-sangen-do, the temple of the 33 Buddhas. My mom recommended we take a taxi, but because I had gone around Kyoto a bit before, I felt comfortable enough trying to find it by walking. It was actually really close to where our hostel was! Of course just when we came to the point where I didn't know exactly where to go, it started to rain fairly hard on us. :( Because I thought it wasn't going to rain, I hadn't brought my umbrella and was trying to use my map as an umbrella. Didn't work so well. :\
But we did make it to the temple eventually. Here is the outside of the temple and the inside of the temple grounds. We weren't able to take pictures inside, but it is a sight to see. There are a thousand Buddhas lined up with 28 Buddhas featured in stone at the front of the shrine.
Next we went to Yasaka Jinja as a starting place for going up to Kiyomizu-Dera. This time we did take a taxi to the temple. Here is part of the inside of Yasaka Jinja.
The walk on the way to Kiyomizu-Dera is dotted with shops that are well-suited for getting omiyage (souvenirs). I admit I bought quite a few myself. :P Here are some pictures along the way.
Along the road to Kiyomizu-Dera. I think there were fewer people out today because of the rain, but still a fair number, and some in kimono.
Often the maps along the way are hand-drawn and quite intricate.
At one point Greg took a detour to check out the top of these steps. Apparently Kodaiji Temple was over the hill. We were running a little late and I wanted to make sure we made it to Kiyomizu-Dera so I didn't join him at the top of the stairs.
This was the outside of one of the shops. I thought the monks and "writing" (smiles) were cute.
Here is the top of the stairs leading down to more shops on the way to Kiyomizu-Dera.
I've tried hard to resist buying too many cute things that just end up sitting around. Now my method is to take pictures. These were cute little ball figures on the end of straps (for cell-phones).
And we finally made it to Kiyomizu-Dera despite the rain!
Kiyomizu-Dera sits on the top of the mountain and so provides an amazing view of the city. Even though it was rainy, it provided interesting atmosphere for viewing the city. Sorry the shots are dark. I was trying to capture the mountains in the background.
And a view from the side of Kiyomizu-Dera on the mountain.
For dinner we ended up eating in Gion in a donburi place. I had a wonderfully delicious donburi with egg and mushroom. I asked them to take out the fishcake. It was so so good! I wonder if other donburi places have similar dishes. If so, I wish I had known sooner! I would have eaten more of them...
We walked to Kawaramachi station, and it was raining again. Hard to walk around when there are a lot of umbrellas around! And oftentimes other people's umbrellas will drip water down on you sigh.
While we were waiting at the station, I was amazed at how tall this lady's Converse-like shoes were, wow.
While in the subway, there was a map of Kyoto in which all the shrines and temples were depicted. I wish I had this map when I was going around!
There is a shop that sells just-made waffles in the station that we pass on our way to taking the JR. Greg was craving it all day so we dropped by and got one each on our way home.
I wanted a maple one, but they ran out, so I got chocolate. Yum! I am going to miss the Japanese food so much...
And finally, here are some night pictures of the hotel!
Overall not a bad day. Was kind of tired throughout and this cough is not going away. :( Several times I would have pretty debilitating cough attacks. I feel bad about disturbing other people. But I got good shopping done and it was nice to be in Kyoto again.